Now that the official release date and trailer are out, we can all be rest assured that the movie adaptation of Loveboat, Taipei by Abigail Hing Wen is finally happening and it is happening now. The movie is titled Love in Taipei. The book had gone massive on its release and had occupied almost every bookshelf. It was everywhere on blogs, vlogs and tik toks. so as a natural progression, the book is getting its adaptation and what’s even best is that you don’t have to wait much longer. The movie is coming to Paramount + on August 10. Yes, August 10th and that’s just mere days away. Yay!!
So in case you haven’t heard about the book, Loveboat, Taipei by Abigail Wen is a story of going back to roots. Where do that roots take? In Taiwan. The book follows an American teenager, Ever Wong, who as part of a summer program ends up in Taipei for the first time. Cultural shock apart, she is also faced with the biggest crisis ever, Two guys vying for her attention. God save this poor soul :P. Jokes apart the book is all about embracing culture, dealing with growing up and finding out your strengths and weakness. Plus you get to see Taiwan 😛
So the movie adaptation has Ashley Liao playing the central character of Ever Wong. Ross Butler and Nico Hiraga play the roles of love interests and Chelsea Zang plays Sophie, Ever’s Best friend. Interestingly along with the author, Butler also joins the movie as its executive producer along with other names like Christopher Foss, Matthew Janzen, Max Siemers, Aubrey Bendix, and Cheng-Chung Chang
So as we said that movie is going to be streaming on Paramount + from August 10.
So are you excited about the movie adaptation? or are you going to take this time to grab the book and read it first before the movie comes out?
News Source : Collider